content contribution
This site aims to expose the left and create a central hub for people seeking to share and consume real news and information. To that end, the success of this website depends on the contribution of content from you, the users. To do so, you’ll see a “Content Submission” form located at the bottom of every “section” page. There you can provide images/videos (through attachments or preferably URLs) of anything related to any of the current four sections (Boycott/Support, Open Letters, Despicable Acts, Hypocrisy/Deceit). Below I’ve also listed several other methods for submitting content. Due to technical requirements, please allow up to 24 hours for your submission to post on the website. All submissions will stay anonymous unless requested otherwise. All metadata/EXIF data will be automatically removed prior to publication. Security for the site and its users is of paramount concern.
Lastly and most importantly, your involvement is the catalyst in advancing the goal of Operation Expose!
content submission form
exposing the left, one submission at a time
alternative submission methods